Chemical Biology
Master (2 years) of biotechnology, chemistry, biology,,
Agriculture and environment
Interdisciplinary Studies
Mathematics, natural- and computer science
The purpose of the programme is to give graduates a strong chemistry foundation and in-depth knowledge and understanding of the biological systems which they work with, combined with experimental competencies and the ability to work with innovative and future-oriented solutions.The programme is interdisciplinary and is based on established research and educational collaborations between chemistry, biology and parts of the physics environment.As a student you acquire knowledge of advanced experimental methods and the latest scientific discoveries in the field of chemical biological research.You will be able to contribute to societal progress through the development and production of medicines and other biotechnological products, thereby strengthening Denmark as a knowledge society and contributing to economic growth.Graduates will be able to hold positions in research, development and production in biotechnology, pharmaceutical and biomedical companies.
Your English title will be: Master of Science in Chemical Biology
non-EU/EEA citizen that is required to pay tuition fees
Application date
Jan 15
Start date
Sep 01
EU/EEA, Swiss and Danish citizens
Application date
Mar 01
Start date
Sep 01
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