
  • Welcome to UCC's Department of Social Education, North Zealand

    At Department of Social Education, North Zealand we see diversity as a strength. Therefore, when studying at our department you will meet teachers as well as fellow students with different backgrounds and experiences.

    It is our ambition to provide you with an updated and professional training, which gives you the best conditions for your future professionel career as a social educator.

    Study environment

    The study programme takes place at University College UCC's campus situated in the heart of North Zealand - with room for more than 1,800 students and approximately 200 employees.

    The campus provides a framework for five professional bachelor degree programmes, research and development and activities in the professional health- and educational field.

    The campus is centrally located with only 5 minutes to the nearest station, Hilleroed, and a trip to the central part of Copenhagen takes only about 30 minutes.
    55.930635 12.313485

Welcome to UCC's Department of Social Education, North Zealand

At Department of Social Education, North Zealand we see diversity as a strength. Therefore, when studying at our department you will meet teachers as well as fellow students with different backgrounds and experiences.

It is our ambition to provide you with an updated and professional training, which gives you the best conditions for your future professionel career as a social educator.

Study environment

The study programme takes place at University College UCC's campus situated in the heart of North Zealand - with room for more than 1,800 students and approximately 200 employees.

The campus provides a framework for five professional bachelor degree programmes, research and development and activities in the professional health- and educational field.

The campus is centrally located with only 5 minutes to the nearest station, Hilleroed, and a trip to the central part of Copenhagen takes only about 30 minutes.