CBS gets USD 7 million donation to attract international top researcher
From CBS' website:
A new ten-year grant creates the basis for CBS to employ an internationally recognised professor in entrepreneurship – and thus compete with the very best business schools in the world.
CBS demands an international capacity within the art of creating successful new companies – and a donation of DKK 40 million from the A.P.Møller and Chastine Mc-Kinney Møller’s Foundation for General Purpose now makes it possible for CBS to headhunt among the world’s leading experts.
– "We are extremely happy with this generous donation from the A.P. Møller Foundation. CBS finds that entrepreneurship should contribute to the economic growth that Danes can make a living from in the future, and we are now able to attract an international top researcher to benefit both students and the business community", says Per Holten-Andersen, President of CBS.
Published: 28.09.2012